This post was sponsored by a2 Milk® as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review

Up until about a month ago, I hadn’t been able to drink milk for a really long time. It was something I stopped drinking on my own and not by doctor’s orders, but I pretty much self diagnosed myself “unable” to drink it because the after affects weren’t pleasant! (aka I would experience “Post-Dairy Digestive Discomfort”)

As a kid, I LOVED drinking milk every day, even multiple times a day. I literally had milk with every meal! I’ve raised my own daughter to have a love of milk, too. I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you that I get been pretty jealous watching her drink milk on a daily basis. a2_milk-products-2

I recently tried out a2 Milk® pure farm fresh milk after I was selected to be part of the a2 Milk® Ambassador Program. (By the way, I’m super excited to be a part of this ambassador program!) From the very first sip, I just knew it was going to be game changer for me! a2milkproductsmyglass

Have you heard about how different from ordinary milk it is? Basically, ordinary milk contains an a1 protein, which is the cause of “tummy troubles” related to milk drinking. An independent study actually showed 1 in 4 Americans have discomfort after drinking milk, so I know I wasn’t imagining when I knew something was going on in my body after drinking ordinary milk.  Scary enough, the a1 protein is found in all conventional & organic milks on the U.S. market. a2 Milk® only comes from heirloom a2 cows that produce milk which is naturally free from the a1 protein type. a2-milk-products-all-varieties

If you are wondering about the taste of a2 Milk®, it doesn’t taste anything other than delicious! My daughter can’t even tell that I swapped it out in our fridge! I was pleased to find that you can purchase a2 Milk® in all of the varieties because we’re a fat-free milk type of household!a2-milk-products-our-milk I am beyond ecstatic to be able to enjoy milk again without any of the symptoms! Yay me!

To find a store near you that sells a2 Milk® products, click here. Connect with a2 Milk® on Facebook and Twitter.