save-the-dateI will totally admit that I’ve been excited about attending Blended Conference since the 2015 date was announced! Actually I may have been excited about it for even longer than that! I truly can’t wait for September 18! I love conferences, I love road trips, and I LOVE Blended!

blended-logoBlended is a blogging conference in Arizona, started by Wendy from Around My Family Table. In its first year, it began as much smaller event, with just a small circle of Arizona food bloggers and food enthusiasts in attendance. That first event was so successful that it transformed it into a larger conference the following year, to include bloggers of every niche. It has become Arizona’s premiere blogging conference! This year, Blended will be held September 18 & 19 at Arizona Grand Resort in Phoenix, Arizona. You should save that date on your calendar and grab a ticket for Blended here. Did I already mention how excited I am to attend?

Blended-ConfI’m so honored to be a Blended ambassador this year. It was the first blogging conference I attended when I was a brand-new blogger. I’ll never forget how much I took away from that amazing weekend, back in 2013. They say “you’ll never forget your first blogging conference” and I think it’s actually very true!

never-forgetSo, let’s talk about some of the things that are bound to happen if you attend Blended Conference this year….

You’ll learn something new: Whether you blog for fun or are trying to build your own unique brand, you’ll definitely learn something new at Blended. Actually, I think you’ll learn many new things. I know I learned a ton at Blended last time. There is an amazing lineup of speakers scheduled already. Have you seen yet?  You’ll have so many opportunities to ask questions about things you’re dying to know about, relating to the world of blogging and social media. You’ll also find that you pick up a lot of tips from other bloggers you end up networking with.

You won’t go hungry: For me, this is an important one. (Can you tell I’m a foodie?) I can guarantee that you will not go hungry at this conference! Between the meals and the snacks, you don’t have to worry! Also, there’s usually an “unofficial” Blended dinner after Saturday’s conference, that all are invited to join, so the eating continues!

You’ll leave with some fun swag and might even win a prize: Not only did I go home from Blended last time with two bags of really fun swag, but I also got lucky and won one of the prizes in a drawing. I know there’ll be plenty of those this time around too. Everyone loves swag!

You’ll get to meet a bunch of the Arizona Bloggers and maybe even gain a “Bloggy BFF”!: The circle of Arizona Bloggers is pretty big and they’re all pretty awesome! Being able to add them to your social media network is a definite plus. The Arizona bloggers were some of the first social media superstars I got to know in person and since attending that year, some of them have become some of my good blogger friends. It’s wonderful to know such incredibly positive, helpful, and supportive women. These are the kinds of qualities you can appreciate when you’re building your “tribe”.

bloggy-friends-foreverI actually met one of my “Bloggy BFFs” at Blended. She was someone I’d looked up to online and when I met her I think I was “fangirling“! (Do you know Heather from Brie Brie Blooms? Well it’s her!) After eating lunch at the same table that day, we realized how much we had in common and we have become great friends. What’s even more fun about it is that our daughters are friends too. They both claim to be kid bloggers too, so they’ve also got that in common. Bloggy friends are the best!

You’ll most likely develop “Conference-itis”… If you’re not sure what that is yet, it’s when you get the itch to attend another conference right after you’ve just attended one. Maybe we should call it getting “Conference Fever“? I can’t get enough conferences under my belt. It’s one of my favorite things to do!

You’ll get to meet me!: I’ve saved the best part about attending Blended for last…you’ll get to meet me! I’m not trying to toot my own horn here, but I’m really fun to hang out with AND I’m a great friend to have!

If you haven’t had a chance to browse the Blended Conference schedule yet, click here. Tickets are already on sale and you can still grab one at the early bird price until May 1, by clicking here. Arizona Grand Resort is offering unbeatable rates for Blended attendees. You need to take a peek here.

I hope you’ll be joining us at Blended Conference!

Leave a comment below if you’re attending so we can connect more beforehand too!

 Connect with Blended Conference on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

I was provided with a discounted ticket to Blended Conference as part of the Blended Ambassador Program. All opinions are 100% my own.