Over The Top Mommy

Blended Conference

Blended Conference is Near and Dear to My Heart! Here’s Why I Think YOU Should Attend!

save-the-dateI will totally admit that I’ve been excited about attending Blended Conference since the 2015 date was announced! Actually I may have been excited about it for even longer than that! I truly can’t wait for September 18! I love conferences, I love road trips, and I LOVE Blended!

blended-logoBlended is a blogging conference in Arizona, started by Wendy from Around My Family Table. In its first year, it began as much smaller event, with just a small circle of Arizona food bloggers and food enthusiasts in attendance. That first event was so successful that it transformed it into a larger conference the following year, to include bloggers of every niche. It has become Arizona’s premiere blogging conference! This year, Blended will be held September 18 & 19 at Arizona Grand Resort in Phoenix, Arizona. You should save that date on your calendar and grab a ticket for Blended here. Did I already mention how excited I am to attend?

Blended-ConfI’m so honored to be a Blended ambassador this year. It was the first blogging conference I attended when I was a brand-new blogger. I’ll never forget how much I took away from that amazing weekend, back in 2013. They say “you’ll never forget your first blogging conference” and I think it’s actually very true!

never-forgetSo, let’s talk about some of the things that are bound to happen if you attend Blended Conference this year….

You’ll learn something new: Whether you blog for fun or are trying to build your own unique brand, you’ll definitely learn something new at Blended. Actually, I think you’ll learn many new things. I know I learned a ton at Blended last time. There is an amazing lineup of speakers scheduled already. Have you seen yet?  You’ll have so many opportunities to ask questions about things you’re dying to know about, relating to the world of blogging and social media. You’ll also find that you pick up a lot of tips from other bloggers you end up networking with.

You won’t go hungry: For me, this is an important one. (Can you tell I’m a foodie?) I can guarantee that you will not go hungry at this conference! Between the meals and the snacks, you don’t have to worry! Also, there’s usually an “unofficial” Blended dinner after Saturday’s conference, that all are invited to join, so the eating continues!

You’ll leave with some fun swag and might even win a prize: Not only did I go home from Blended last time with two bags of really fun swag, but I also got lucky and won one of the prizes in a drawing. I know there’ll be plenty of those this time around too. Everyone loves swag!

You’ll get to meet a bunch of the Arizona Bloggers and maybe even gain a “Bloggy BFF”!: The circle of Arizona Bloggers is pretty big and they’re all pretty awesome! Being able to add them to your social media network is a definite plus. The Arizona bloggers were some of the first social media superstars I got to know in person and since attending that year, some of them have become some of my good blogger friends. It’s wonderful to know such incredibly positive, helpful, and supportive women. These are the kinds of qualities you can appreciate when you’re building your “tribe”.

bloggy-friends-foreverI actually met one of my “Bloggy BFFs” at Blended. She was someone I’d looked up to online and when I met her I think I was “fangirling“! (Do you know Heather from Brie Brie Blooms? Well it’s her!) After eating lunch at the same table that day, we realized how much we had in common and we have become great friends. What’s even more fun about it is that our daughters are friends too. They both claim to be kid bloggers too, so they’ve also got that in common. Bloggy friends are the best!

You’ll most likely develop “Conference-itis”… If you’re not sure what that is yet, it’s when you get the itch to attend another conference right after you’ve just attended one. Maybe we should call it getting “Conference Fever“? I can’t get enough conferences under my belt. It’s one of my favorite things to do!

You’ll get to meet me!: I’ve saved the best part about attending Blended for last…you’ll get to meet me! I’m not trying to toot my own horn here, but I’m really fun to hang out with AND I’m a great friend to have!

If you haven’t had a chance to browse the Blended Conference schedule yet, click here. Tickets are already on sale and you can still grab one at the early bird price until May 1, by clicking here. Arizona Grand Resort is offering unbeatable rates for Blended attendees. You need to take a peek here.

I hope you’ll be joining us at Blended Conference!

Leave a comment below if you’re attending so we can connect more beforehand too!

 Connect with Blended Conference on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

I was provided with a discounted ticket to Blended Conference as part of the Blended Ambassador Program. All opinions are 100% my own. 

Blended Conference 2014: Why YOU Should Attend!

Last Fall, I had the opportunity to attend Blended: A Conference in the Desert. It was the first blogger conference I ever attended. I was what you’d call a “newbie blogger”. (I actually still am) Although I was excited to attend, I was also very nervous about it. (I now know there was nothing to be nervous about) Although I’m not a shy person, blogging, and all that it entails, was an area new to me, so I really wasn’t very sure of myself or even HOW I’d come across to others. At that point, I was even still trying to figure out my blogging niche, as well as the tech side of blogging.
I cannot even begin to describe how invaluable that experience of attending Blended last year was to me! It was a 1 day conference last year. This year, it’s an entire weekend and after I saw the location  and the agenda for the weekend, I got even more excited!

I’m going to give you 5 great reasons why YOU should attended Blended this year!

Reason #1
You should attend because I will be there! 
Yep, I wouldn’t miss Blended Conference 2014 for the world! I am so excited for the little road trip back to Arizona, from California, to see all of the friends I made at the conference last year, as well as to meet a whole bunch of new ones! (including you!) I’m not saying that I am like a headliner for the conference or anything, because I’m not, but I would consider myself a pretty fun bloggy friend to have. Oh, and I LOVE taking selfies with friends! Please attend so I can meet you!
Reason #2
You should attend because the ladies who are responsible for running the conference are are not only amazing, but are also both named “Wendy”, which happens to be my name, so seriously, how can that NOT be a good enough reason on its own? 
I first met Wendy O’Neal from Around My Family Table and Wendy Wright from Choosing Love and Arizona Moms Network online. Before getting to actually meet these 2 in person, I was worried I’d be intimidated when I met them, but once we were all together at a dinner the night before the conference last year, I immediately felt comfortable talking to them and several other people I’d refer to as super bloggers, who I’d also only met online. I will admit that I sat there #fangirling Wendy and Wendy at the conference, but that’s a good thing. They definitely land in my book as “superwomen” and I’m proud to be a part their #TeamWendy. Obviously if your name is also Wendy, you REALLY need to make sure to get to this conference!
Reason #3
You should attend because you’ll have so many opportunities to network with other bloggers, the speakers and with some brands. 
This is a very important reason, especially if you are a new(er) blogger! Networking, meeting other bloggers, including the conference speakers, and actually starting relationships and friendships with them, is probably one of the most useful things you can take away from a conference. There is a big difference between meeting someone online, like on Facebook or Twitter, and actually meeting them in person, allowing them to get to know you, and you being able to get to know them. You never know who the person sitting next to you or across the table from you, really is, or what connections they may have. They also may see something in you that they like and throw some great opportunities your way! You just never know!
You also have the opportunity to network with brands, because there are brands represented at Blended conference and at certain times during the conference days, you have time to actually introduce yourself and meet some of the brands’ PR people. PR people are really just regular people, so although it may be intimidating to approach them, you should just do it. Approach them with your business card, introduce yourself and just chat with them briefly.
You honestly never know who is going to make a positive connection with you or when it will happen, but it will! I speak from experience and like I said before, I’m still a newbie.
Reason #4
You should attend because, once again, there is a going to be a fabulous agenda with fabulous speakers (and fabulous food) at Blended this year! 

If you take a peek over the agenda, what you’ll find is a ton of fun and knowledge coming your way!
*Scheduled Head Shots with Kate Eschbach on Friday afternoon!

*Hands-on Workshops on Friday night
*Maureen Fitzgerald, also known as Wisconsin Mommy, will be talking about Creating a Media Kit.
*Christine Pittman from Cook the Story, will have a Food Styling…Live session.
*Dan Morris of Letters from Dan and Blogging Concentrated, will be presenting SEO Simplified.
*Rachel Martin of Finding Joy, will show How to Create an ebook from Your Existing Content
*Marley McMillan Beelman of Namely Marley, will present The Joy of Blogging
*Dear Blogger breakout sessions, for both beginning and advanced bloggers
*no hosted blogger dinners
*Blogging Concentrated for advanced bloggers presented by Dan Morris of Letters from Dan
Reason #5
You should attend because Blogging Concentrated for advanced bloggers is going to have its own day during Blended this year! 
This is an incredible offering that you just shouldn’t pass up and very unique to this conference to have a component piggy backing like this! I had the pleasure of meeting Dan Morris recently at another conference and not only is he going to present a wealth of information, he is also a really fun guy to hang out with!

I could probably give so many more reasons why YOU should attend Blended Conference this fall! Maybe I’ll write a 2nd post with Reasons #6-10….maybe!

To get more information about Blended and register for it, click here.
 I hope to see you there!

My First Blogger Conference: Blended

It’s almost a month later and I still smile when I think about how much fun I had at the Blended Conference. Blended was a one day event held in Tempe, Arizona at the Double Tree by Hilton. It’s a beautiful property to stay at and when you check-in you’re always greeted with a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie! (They were so generous that we got a cookie when we checkout out, too!) In the case of Blended attendees checking in, each one of us was also given one of these adorable Shamrock Farms coolers, which were filled with goodies for our hotel room. There was a bottle of half & half, some milk, 3 flavored sour creams and chips to dip them in! Shamrock Farms was one of the generous sponsors of the conference!

Blended was my first blogger conference and I wasn’t sure what to expect prior to attending. The only thing I knew for sure was that I was excited to meet both of the SUPER ladies responsible for the great conference, mainly because they’re both named Wendy also! I just KNEW we were meant to meet! I was also excited to hear all of the guest speakers’ presentations! Normally, I’m not a shy person but I would say I was bit intimidated going in, just because I’m so new to the blogging world. Although I’ve been a blog reader for years, I hadn’t actually sat down to blog on my own until this past summer. I brought my best outfit, a pad of paper for note taking and a stack of my pretty new business cards that were designed by Tania Fischer Designs. (And seriously, my cards turned out SOOO cute! You’ll see them in this picture amongst some my new blogger friends’ cards that I got at the conference)

It was great to connect with some of the other ladies at the informal meet up on Friday night in the hotel bar. It’s always exciting to meet some of the bloggers in person that you’ve only communicated with online. It was even more exciting to chit chat while we enjoyed some Fairytale Brownies (another one of the conference sponsors) that were in a giant basket on the table! What a great conference sponsor to have! Mmmm!

On the morning of the conference, while I was getting ready, I may or may not have had a solo dance party in my room!  I’m not used to having a big giant room all to myself where I can make as much noise as I want! With my coffee in hand, I dressed in my signature color, pink, and headed over the conference room. It was just the best day! I learned so much from each of the amazing guest speakers, (click here to see the list of talented ladies who presented), talked with some of the conference sponsors that were actually present in the back of the room, ate tons of yummy food, and met so many other bloggers like myself. I also appreciated the break-out groups that were led by Wendy Wright of  Choosing Love and Arizona Moms Network  and Wendy Bevill O’Neal of Around My Family Table,  because you could basically ask them ANY question you might’ve had about the blogging world. As if all of that wasn’t enough, they then held a raffle for  some awesome prizes, including each of the centerpieces in the room.  I actually won one of the centerpieces which had been provided by Fry’s Food Stores! My daughter was ECSTATIC when I brought it home!

At the end of our day, we were each given two huge bags filled with even more swag that had been provided by the sponsors! (Click here for a list of ALL of the Blended Conference sponsors)

These are just some of the business cards I collected!
Two fun peeps I met that day: Heather from Brie Brie Blooms & Laura from Pink Cake Plate
And after the conference, we kept the party going over at Joe’s Crab Shack! As you can see, Laura & I are NOT afraid to wear a bib!
The entire event was just an amazing experience and I cannot wait to go back next year!

So….the word on the street is that next year’s Blended will be a 2-day event! I’m crossing my fingers that it is! To sign up to receive information about next year’s event, click here. I hope to meet you there!

I’m Going to Blended 2013!

I can barely contain my excitement about the fact that my first blogger conference is going to be Blended! When I first found out that the 2 SUPER WOMEN behind this conference are BOTH named, “Wendy”, (Wendy from Around My Family Table and Wendy from Choosing Love & Arizona Moms Network), I just KNEW this was meant to be! I’m thinking we’re going to need to start our own “Wendy Club“, right?  
Blended is a one-day conference which will be held on Saturday, September 28 at The Double Tree by Hilton in Tempe, AZ. It’s a great opportunity for bloggers to gain knowledge from some powerful guest speakers, meet some of the sponsors and have the chance to network with other bloggers, which I’m finding out, usually up turning into fun, new friendships! 
In addition to the hosts, there will be 3 guest speakers at Blended. Maureen Fitzgerald from Wisconsin Mommy, Kimberly Sneed from A Night Owl, and Christine Pittman from Cook the Story
I am anxious to hear all of them speak and meet them in person, after having followed them online.
You can look at the full conference agenda here.
The ticket includes all sessions, materials, snacks, lunch and what’s sure to be everyone’s fav part….SWAG!!! Everyone loves SWAG! If you live in, or near, Arizona, you should attend! I’m coming from California! You can register for Blended here!

So what are you waiting for? Get registered and come meet me in Arizona! I just KNOW it’s going to be fun! (mostly because I assume that fun follows me wherever I go!)
Make sure to connect with Blended on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
and sign up for the Blended Newsletter here.

Disclaimer: I’m a Blended Conference Ambassador. I was provided a discounted ticket for my promotion.