If you know me, you know I LOVE anything Disney! Anything that’s Disney PRINCESS is even better! When I was asked if I’d like to receive a copy of “Disney Princess: A Magical Pop-Up World Book to review, I answered with a squealing “Yes!” I remember loving pop up books as a kid. There’s just something special about having the pages fold out into something that seems so real. Disney-Princess-Magical-Pop-up-World-coverThis book cover is beautiful and has so much gold detail that it sparkles in the light. The book, itself, is like a piece of art and I was excited to share it with my daughter. Disney-Princess-Magical-Pop-Up-World-SceneAs you flip through each page, you get to experience the intricately designed pop-ups that span through eleven classic films, where you’ll find all of your favorite princesses, as well as some other characters and surprises from stories that Disney fans have enjoyed over the past decades. arielEach of the 27 pop-up scenes folds out into a transformative scene with brilliant colors and classic Disney renderings. On the bottom corner of each page, there’s also a pull-tab flap that you pull down to read the accompanying text for these classic stories. Disney-Priness-Magical-Pop-Up-World-Fun-FactsWhat a special way to experience interactive reading together as a family! My daughter also enjoys reading it to our kitty! disney-princess-a-magical-pop-up-world-read-to-a-kittyHere’s a video showing some of the stories in this book:

Disney Princess: A Magical Pop-Up World” is a special one-of-a-kind keepsake that my daughter will be able to treasure for a lifetime and pass onto her own children. Paper Engineer Matthew Reinhart, has truly captured the magic inside this book! princessesRight now, Insight Editions is offering a Friends & Family discount of 35% off all Insight Editions titles, including this book, to my loyal readers! Just visit their website here and simply use the code IEFRIENDS at check out. disney-princess-a-magical-pop-up-world-book-coverThey have also provided me with one copy of “Disney Princess: A Magical Pop-Up World” to give away to one lucky reader. Enter below on the Rafflecopter. Good luck everyone!

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This is not a sponsored post. I was provided with a copy of this book in order to facilitate this review. All opinions are 100% my own. Some images and video are property of Disney and Insight Editions.