hotel-transylvania-2We LOVED Hotel Transylvania and all of the fun characters and monsters in it and are so excited about the upcoming release of Hotel Transylvania 2 in theaters on September 25! If you haven’t seen the trailer yet, watch this:

“The Drac Pac” is made up of an all-star cast, including Adam Sandler (Dracula), Selena Gomez (Mavis), Steve Buscemi (Wayne), Kevin James (Frank), Andy Samberg (Johnny), and many more!  I just know it’s going to be a hilarious film the entire family will enjoy seeing together.

the-drac-packThe Drac pack is back for an all-new monster comedy adventure in Sony Pictures Animation’s Hotel Transylvania 2! Everything seems to be changing for the better at HotelTransylvania… Dracula’s rigid monster-only hotel policy has finally relaxed, opening up its doors to human guests. But behind closed coffins, Drac is worried that his adorable half-human, half-vampire grandson, Dennis, isn’t showing signs of being a vampire. 

babySo while Mavis is busy visiting her human in-laws with Johnny – and in for a major cultural shock of her own – “Vampa” Drac enlists his friends Frank, Murray, Wayne and Griffin to put Dennis through a “monster-in-training” boot camp. But little do they know that Drac’s grumpy and very old, old, old school dad Vlad is about to pay a family visit to the hotel. And when Vlad finds out that his great-grandson is not a pure blood – and humans are now welcome at Hotel Transylvania – things are going to get batty!


La sinopsis en Español:

¡Drácula y su grupo de amigos están de regreso para una nueva comedia de aventuras monstruosas en la película de Sony Pictures Animation Hotel Transylvania 2! Parece que todo está cambiando para mejor en el Hotel Transylvania… La estricta política de Drácula de admitir solo monstruos en el hotel finalmente se ha relajado y el hotel ahora abre sus puertas a huéspedes humanos. Pero detrás de los ataúdes cerrados, Drac está preocupado porque Dennis, su adorable nieto mitad humano, mitad vampiro, no demuestra ningún indicio de ser vampiro. Por esa razón, mientras Mavis está muy ocupada visitando a sus suegros humanos junto a Johnny –y enfrentando su propio gran shock cultural– el “abuelito vampiro” Drac recluta a sus amigos Frank, Murray, Wayne y Griffin para que Dennis asista a un “campamento de entrenamiento para monstruos”. Lo que no se imaginan es que Vlad, el gruñón y muy, muy, muy tradicional padre de Drac, está a punto de llegar al hotel para una visita familiar. Y cuando Vlad descubre que su bisnieto no es un vampiro de sangre pura y que, para colmo, ahora se aceptan humanos en el Hotel Transylvania, ¡las cosas se saldrán de control!

we-love-murrayIt’s hard to pick just one favorite character from the Drac Pac but we love Murray! He’s the mummy and we think he’s adorable. Murray was my inspiration the other day when I was trying to come up with a creative lunch. I’ll call this recipe “Murray Mummy Dogs”. It’s one of the easiest meals to throw together and is a guaranteed winner with kids every time! (I know this because I’ve made it twice this week!)


Here’s what you’ll need to make Murray Mummy Dogs: 

  • 1 pack of your favorite brand of hot dogs (I prefer to use all-beef)
  • 1 container of ready-made crescent dough (you can find this in the refrigerated section)
  • ketchup

Preparing the Murray Mummy Dogs: 

  1. Preheat your oven ahead of time (per the temperature recommended on the crescent package)
  2. Cover your baking sheet with a baking mat or parchment paper.
  3. Cut hot dogs into halves.
  4. Open crescent dough and slice into strips. step-one-and-step-two
  5. Take each halved hot dog and wrap pieces around and around to make it look like a mummy. I don’t make the layer too thick so it’ll bake all the way through.
  6. When all hot dogs are wrapped, stick into your oven and bake for about 7 minutes. (keep a close eye on them so they don’t burn.) ready-to-go-in-the-oven
  7. Remove Mummy Dogs from the oven and serve with ketchup! Depending on the age of your kids, you could even call the ketchup, “blood”. (We mostly stick to non-scary in our home.)


yummy-mummiesIf you ending making these, come back and tell me how long they lasted on your dining table? My daughter ate them up in a flash!

So, are YOU excited to see Hotel Transylvania 2? Who’s YOUR favorite character in the Drac Back?

Find Hotel Transylvania 2 on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Movie and promotional pictures featured in this post are property of Sony Pictures.