Over The Top Mommy


Happy National S’mores Day!

Today is National S’mores Day! It’s one of my favorite food holidays of the year! I mean, in addition to National Popcorn Day (March 14), National Cupcake Day (August 18th) and, of course, National Pancake Day (September 26)! I love the fact that there is a National Food Holiday for every day of the year! (at least for the U.S. there is)  It can also be a problem since most of us are trying NOT to eat these things on most days, but it still makes for something to be excited about on any given day, right?

For me, it’s important to choose the right product brands that will make quality s’mores. You don’t want a s’more that’s going to break when you’re making it!  (I’ve tried store brand and I wasn’t a fan) I always use HoneyMaid graham crackers for mine. I also have to use Kraft Jet-Puffed Marshmallows! They have so many marshmallows to choose from, even Stackers, which are perfect for s’mores because they’re kind of flat and fit into a s’more! You know that any marshmallow with its own Facebook fan page has GOT to be good! I also insist on using Hershey’s chocolate bars for s’mores. I love using the baby ones because they’re the perfect size for a s’more.

This year, we decided to a add a little something extra  to our s’mores…..mustaches!!!
These Wilton mustaches from Michael’s were WAY TOO CUTE to pass up!
 It was so funny that she stuck the mustache on her own face here!
Did I mention that I just want to eat this girl up? She’s too cute!
 I mustache you a question…how are YOU going to celebrate National S’mores Day?

Happy New Year 2014 Printables by Lauren McKinsey

I cannot believe Christmas is already over and now we’re quickly moving onto celebrating the arrival of the new year! I can’t resist the adorable printable collections by Lauren McKinsey! Look at her newest one….Happy New Year 2014! It has hanging gift tags, circle tags (in 3 different sizes), drink wraps, straw flags, tent cards, signs, cards to write, plastic bag foldover labels, miniature candy bar wrappers, Hershey’s kiss stickers, push pop wraps and kids coloring sheets! I love the colors and the designs of this entire collection! I also love how she used Sixlets from Sweetworks.  Below are just some of the pics. Click here to find the entire collection.

You can get a free printable from her collection by clicking here!
I can already tell that 2014 is going to be a great year! Cheers!