This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #LoveDoveFruits #CollectiveBias
At the start of the new year, I met with a life coach and have worked really hard to make some changes to the way I divide up my time and energy. I made a promise to myself, to start doing more for me and doing more to take care of me.. I also learned not to be so hard on myself and to realize that it’s ok not to get everything on my never-ending “to do” list done before taking care of me. It’s also OK to reward myself daily. One of the ways I like to reward myself is with a small treat each day and my latest favorite snacks are the DOVE® Chocolate Fruit & Nut . Have you tried these yet? I found these different varieties on the candy aisle at Walmart:
- DOVE® Dark Chocolate Strawberry & Cocoa Almond
- DOVE® Dark Chocolate Blueberry & Vanilla Cashew
- DOVE® Dark Chocolate Raspberry & Honey Roasted Almond
- DOVE® Dark Chocolate Cranberries
- DOVE® Dark Chocolate Blueberries
- DOVE® Dark Chocolate
I still can’t decide which is my favorite!They’re all really yummy and something I enjoy in moderation each day. They combine the wellness benefits of dark chocolate with fruits while satisfying my craving for something sweet and keep me in line with my goals for the New Year.
Trying to keep up with being a mom and working a full-time job, in addition to all of life’s other things that keep me busy, is a lot to juggle. I feel like on most days, I fail at fitting it all in. I find myself doing everything for everyone else at home or at work and leaving very little time to take care of me. I will totally admit that in the last few years, I’ve gotten in the habit of practicing “Mom Self-Neglect” on myself. I know there are other moms like me who can relate. What happens is that I’m left at the end of the day with zero energy or extremely exhausted and a feeling unaccomplished.
I started using a daily printable (see below to print out your own copy) to keep track of my days.
I keep it nearby on a clipboard.. It allows me to see my accomplishments, no matter how small they are, as well as look back on previous days to see how well I’m doing.
One of the strategies I discussed with the life coach was treating each day as a new beginning. It’s hard to make changes and sometimes I feel like I want to be perfect, so when I’m less than perfect, it makes me feel frustrated. By starting fresh each day, it’s a new chance to achieve the goals. Reward yourself.
Here are 5 little things I’m working on improving this year:
Drink More Water – I seriously need to drink more water! I don’t know why it’s so difficult for me to do this but I know I’d feel better if I did it. There are just so many benefits to drinking a lot of water. On some days, I actually find myself carrying around a water bottle around and not even drinking it! I set a goal of 6 small water bottles a day, so I’m keeping track with tally marks.
Eat Better – One of my biggest downfalls, is failing to prepare food and snacks for myself. To be perfectly honest, sometimes I’m just too busy to pack my own lunch and opt to just skip a meal or grab something on the go, which isn’t always the best option. Carrying more snacks with me to eat during the day is a goal for me.
Get Movin’ – Although I am active at my job and am constantly on the go, I need to make an effort get out walking or to the gym to do some cardio, even if it’s just for 30 minutes a day or so. There are many benefits to exercising regularly.
Take Time For Me EVERY Day – It’s important to set time aside for yourself each day, even if it’s just 20 or 30 minutes to read or watch TV or do something you enjoy, which allows you to unwind. Ultimately, this makes you feel like you’ve done something for yourself.
Acknowledge the good in every day – Since I’ve taken on the viewpoint that each day is a chance to start again, I’m also trying to think about the good in each day, no matter how small it may be. It’s helpful to write down something positive that happened or that I did on my log.
So far this year, I feel like my new outlook, along with my daily log, has really helped me stay more positive and keep more focused. It’s nice to be able to look back and see that I actually have accomplished things on a daily basis. The link to this free printable is right below the image.
Print out this free printable by clicking here.
So, what are you doing to take care of yourself? Have you set any goals this year for your own well-being? Have you tried the DOVE® Chocolate Fruit & Nut yet? To print out a coupon, click here. Thanks for reading and have a great day!
Like you, I’m so busy taking care of work or my family, my needs or downtime often falls to the wayside. I love the printable you included. I often forget all the little things I do accomplish each day. Last year I joined a gym and get that little time just to myself has made a huge difference – plus, I feel stronger which is a nice bonus! The DOVE® Chocolate Fruit & Nut seems like a nice way to reward myself for giving each day my all! client