I don’t even know where to start with Pete’s Dragon! I was so fortunate to attend an advanced screening of the film and it was absolutely beautiful! I swear I’m not just saying that because it stars Robert Redford either, although I wish my grandmother was still here to see him in it!
You may (or may not) remember the original “Pete’s Dragon” back in 1977, which was a Disney original, live-action animated musical film. This Pete’s Dragon is more of a reboot of the origina than a remake and gives the story line a different twist
Have you watched the official trailer yet?
Pete’s Dragon is the tale of a small town where Mr. Meacham (Robert Redford) resides and tells his tales to the town’s children, about the dragon that lives deep in the woods. His adult daughter, Grace (Bryce Dallas Howard), also lives in the town and works as a forest ranger in the woods. She fails to believe any of her father’s stories are true, as she has never encountered anything such as a dragon in the woods.
Everything Grace believed in changed the day she met Pete, a 10 year-old boy, who seemed to be living in the woods and have no family or real “home”.
After Pete finally opens up to Grace, he talks to her about his giant dragon “Elliot”, who he lives with in the woods. The rest of the film, you’ll have to see for yourself! I don’t believe in posting spoilers for others.
“Pete’s Dragon” is such an exciting and magical journey and will pull on your heartstrings…a lot! I absolutely fell in love with each of the main characters, especially with Elliot!
It was so special to be able to see this film with my own daughter and share one of the stories from my own childhood with her in a more modern version. The film is rated PG but I’d recommend it for most children. The only thing that might be a little scary would be the dragon, Elliot. Normally, I just tell my daughter that something in a movie isn’t real, in hopes that she won’t be scared. However, I wouldn’t say that about this dragon. Remember…”Just because you can’t see something, doesn’t mean it’s not there!”
Watch this hilarious clip of Bryce talking about what it’s like to work with Elliot the dragon on set:
I’m also including these fun, free printables you can print out! There’s a coloring page and a maze. Just click below each image to print out. Enjoy!
To download this coloring sheets, go here.
To download the maze, click here.
Have you already gone to see Pete’s Dragon? If not, I highly recommend doing so with whole family,,,and watch it in 3D! You’re going to love it!
Connect with Pete’s Dragon on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.