Over The Top Mommy


5 Reasons Why YOU Need to Go See Ghostbusters (No Spoilers!)

This past week has been amazing for me from attending an advanced screening of Ghostbusters to touring Ghost Corps with Ivan Reitman on the Sony Pictures Lot to attending the Ghostbusters press conference at The Four Seasons in Beverly Hills. ghost-corps-photo-oppGhostbusters has finally opened in theaters nationwide and I’m here to share my thoughts and opinions with you about the film. I won’t post spoilers but I will give you 5 reasons why you should go see it.

It’s a reboot, NOT a remake! 
No matter what your prior experience with Ghostbusters is (I grew up loving the original), this is not supposed to be a remake. It is a reboot. There’s a huge difference. The film is this generation’s Ghostbusters! Why wouldn’t you want to see it? I go to the theater for entertainment and as way to escape the real world. The film has a story that many of us may already know, but also has more of a modern-day story line. The special effects are amazing (the ghosts are definitely scary) and I am a big fan of 3-D movies. I was laughing almost the entire time. As someone who was a huge fan of the original, my 80’s Ghostbusters heart was happy to see cameos by some of the originals. IMG_3614 (1)It’s (Somewhat) Kid Friendly
Let me just clarify, when I say it’s somewhat kid friendly, I’m referring to kids that are on the older side. It’s rated PG-13 so it’s not appropriate for children of all ages,but I did take my 10 year old with me to see it and she loved it! I was honestly worried that she’d be scared because of the ghosts but when I asked her about it afterwards, none of those were anything she mentioned as bothering her.  I then thought she might be scared that night at bedtime or wake up the next morning and tell me she’d had nightmares, but she didn’t. Instead, she woke up and asked if we could go and see it again? Heck yeah we can! There’s definitely “language” in the movie but I was grateful not to worry about nudity. Having the opportunity to share this film with my daughter was exciting for me. It’s her generation’s Ghostbusters! ghost-corps-screening-night-beforeCause Chris Hemsworth
So I already said I wouldn’t post spoilers but you’re going to love Chris Hemsworth in this movie! Obviously many fans adore him for obvious reasons but he’s hilarious in this film. After attending the press conference with the leading cast, Melissa McCarthy and the other ladies pretty much confirmed that after working with him on set, they’re convinced there isn’t anything Chris can’t do. He acts, he sings, he dances, and he’s nice? Wow! Seems a little unfair to any male out there. Anyway, my reason #3 for why you should go see Ghostbusters: Cause Chris Hemsworth!  I highly suggest you stay all the way through the credits for a little extra fun with Chris.ghost-corps-cast-magazinesThe All-Female Lead Cast
I’m astonished that there are people making negative comments about this film just because there’s an all-female leading cast! Seriously? These women are amazing! Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones, and Kate McCannon, are some of the most hilarious female actors in the business right now. They’re women that girls (and boys) can look up to, especially as part of Ghostbusters! Isn’t that what we want for our youth? The majority of films portray most superheros as males but here is a film that features women too! I adore and admire each of these women and even more after sitting in on the press conference they did for the film.

Los Angeles, Ca-- July 8,2016: Bloggers attend a Press Conference at the Press Junket for Columbia Pictures' GHOSTBUSTERS at the Four Seasons Hotel.

All The Things Ghostbusters 
So, back to the film.  People want to know if they should see it? Yep! Others have asked how it compares to the original. In my opinion, should it have to compare to the original? I loved the original.  I will also say that my experiences with 80’s movies is that they can be quite outdated when you re-watch them years later. This new Ghostbusters was so much fun to watch, especially watching the ladies take on the ghosts to show them who’s boss! You will love the location of the film, you’ll love the ghosts, you’ll love the storyline, you’ll just love all the things Ghostbusters! ghostbusters-bitmoji-who-ya-gonna-call

So…“Who YOU gonna call?” Are you headed to the theater to see Ghostbusters? If so, come back and leave me a comment with some of your thoughts about it! Thanks for reading!

Find Ghostbusters on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  Also, down load the Bitmoji app in the iTunes store to make your very own Ghostbusters Bitmoji!

I was invited as a guest of Sony Pictures to attend the media press junket. All opinions are 100% my own. Some photos are property of Sony Pictures.


Chatting About Ghostbusters With Ivan Reitman

Last week I had the opportunity of a lifetime! I was invited out to the the Sony Pictures Studios Lot with a group of “Mommy Bloggers” to hang out with Ivan Reitman, you know, the director of the Ghostbusters movies?  Oh my goodness, what an honor! ghost-corps-rainbowAs I approached the lot, I could see the giant rainbow! If you’ve ever driven by the area, you may have seen it because it’s larger than life and visible from the street. Did you know that this rainbow was built as a tribute to Wizard of Oz? When you walk under it you almost feel like Dorothy.ghost-corps-ecto-1Our group was headed to meet Mr. Reitman at Ghost Corps, which is like the Ghostbusters  “creative headquarters”. If you’re a fan of the film(s), it’s pretty much like nostalgia heaven! As we approached the area, I know more than one of us was giddy to find the original Ecto-1, parked right outside. Never pass up a photo opportunity like that! ghost-corps-photo-oppShortly after we took 1000s of photos with Ecto-1, because that’s what women do, we walked through the doors of Ghost Corps to find Ivan Reitman standing with coffee in hand. He was so welcoming and genuinely wanted to chat with us about the Ghostbusters of yesterday, as well as the new kick-butt reboot of the film. (Yes, I’m a fan of the new one.)ghost-corps-ivan-reitmanYou could feel how much his heart was into the entire project as he shared about his vision for the original and all that went into it. He also shared about his desire to put out more sequels and talked about how and why that never continued to happen.ghost-corps-group When Mr. Reitman spoke about the loss of the great Harold Ramis, you could feel a true sadness in his voice and he shared that after such a loss, he didn’t visualize himself directing any more Ghostbuster films. ghost-corps-bloggers-with-ivan-reitmanYou could also see his face light up talking about how the new film finally came to life! I don’t think he ever thought another Ghostbusters would happen. It’s a Ghostbusters for a new generation! With a power cast of mainly females,  Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, and Leslie Jones really show us how modern-day ghost catching is done! ghost-corps-cast-magazinesIvan was surprised when we shared how much our own kids loved the film, since we’d screened just the night before. I think it surprised him because he told us that the original was never created with an audience of children in mind, even though many children saw it. (I know I did!) My own daughter already asked when we’d see it again after the screening! ghost-corps-screening-night-beforeMr. Reitman asked us to share all of our thoughts about the new film with him. He was really listening to us and truly wanted the feedback. I can’t imagine he’s getting much sleep these days, anticipating the film’s release on July 15!  ghost-corps-buttonI’m a huge fan of the original Ghostbusters, which came out in 1984. It was a special part of my childhood and has remained part of the nostalgia of my generation. When I stood in the conference room of Ghost Corps, I almost felt like I was part of the brainstorming process! (Ok not really, but it was still exciting!)ghost-corps-officeIt was fun to see some of the original toys in a collectors’ case, inside of Ghost Corps. The case also had some of the new toys in it. As Mr. Reitman said, “Here are some of the new Ghostbusters toys that your kids are going to be begging you for!”. Yeah, I’m sure he’s right. And if not our kids, our husbands!

ghost-corps-toysSome other cool things inside Ghost Corps were actually things that scared me as a kid. I was able to conquer some of my childhood Ghostbusters fears like standing in front of Terror Dog and looking at Stay Puft right in the eye! ghost-corps-terror-dog

ghost-corps-stay-puft-manAs soon as I heard about a new Ghostbusters being made, one that is going to belong to today’s generation, I couldn’t wait for its release! Seriously, my daughter will have “her own version” with a cast full of females! That’s amazing! By the way, If you’re one of the 5 people who still haven’t watched the trailer for Ghostbusters, here it is:

It was an amazing day to be on the Sony Lot and have this unique experience. We also got a guided tour of the entire lot and among other things, saw such grand attractions as the Barbara Streisand Scoring Stage, where countless famous artists have recorded, and the Wheel of Fortune Studio. The most magical part of the day for me though, was meeting Ivan Reitman! ghost-corps-barbara-streisand-scoring-studio-1ghost-corps-barbara-streisand-scoring-studio-2ghost-corps-barbara-streisand-scoring-studio-3

ghost-corps-wheel-of-fortune-studioConnect with Ghostbusters on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Stay tuned for more of my own Ghostbusters related posts later this week.

I was invited as a guest of Sony Pictures to attend the media press junket. All opinions are 100% my own. Clips are property of Sony Pictures.  #Ghostbusters #Ghostbloggers