As a parent, it’s my main priority (and responsibility) to raise a daughter who is well-rounded. I want my daughter to grow up having a healthy mind, body and spirit. Sometimes it’s easier said than done though. Parenting is definitely a lot of work, requires constant effort, and can often times be very challenging. I’m going to share some of the things I’m doing as a parent to raise a happy and healthy child.
One way I encourage my daughter to lead a healthy lifestyle is by modeling it for her. There are also some things our family does to stay active together and have fun doing so. We enjoy going on family walks together. We also love to enjoy other outdoor activities such as a hike in the foothills or a jog along the beach. Being active together a perfect opportunity to bond as a family.
We also allow my daughter to make choices of physical activities that she enjoys doing to maintain that active lifestyle. She is pretty athletic and has participated in a variety of activities ranging from dance & cheer to swimming & martial arts.
It’s also very important to teach children about the importance of making healthy food choices, whether they are eating at home with you or our somewhere on their own. Our family spends time together on Sundays doing meal planning and grocery shopping for the upcoming week.
Since our work, school, homework, and extra-curricular activity schedule are somewhat busy ones, we try our best to prepare meals together in the kitchen about 4 times a week. Dinnertime is when we share about our day and talk about anything else we’re excited about.
It’s also important to teach your children to give back to the community. I believe that giving back is one of the most important things you can do for others. Also, by doing so, you are modeling the importance of thinking about others’ needs and serving others for your child(ren). We seek out different ways to give back including volunteering with the homeless and bringing necessary supplies to the animal shelter.
The Boys & Girls Clubs of America has a great resource for families trying to live an overall healthy lifestyle called Triple Play. The program is the leading comprehensive health and wellness program and serves young people at Boys & Girls Clubs. Triple Play gives kids the tools and awareness necessary to put them on the path to a great future. This is exactly what we want for our children.
As part of this program, parents can download The Triple Play Parents Game Plan. It offers a holistic approach with three key areas of focus:
- Mind: Develops a knowledge base for young people to acquire healthy habits, such as making smart food choices, understanding appropriate portion sizes and creating fun and balanced meals.
- Body: Promotes young people becoming more physically active through fun daily fitness, including activities to get kids active and moving.
- Soul: Strengthens interpersonal skills, positive behavior and good character through social recreation programs and activities.
At the start of the new year, Boys & Girls Clubs of American established a key mantra, “I Feel Better When..”. As many people recommit to improving their health and wellness practices at the start of a new year, the BGCA is committed to implementing this phrase, which can lead to how small, daily behavioral changes can have a long-term, lasting impact. Triple Play is focused on healthy lifestyle changes at a young age.
In our own family, we do a few different things to promote a healthy lifestyle. I feel better when…we model an active lifestyle, make healthy food choices, and give back. What about you and your family? What can you do to support this mantra?
National support from the Anthem Blue Cross Foundation and Coca-Cola make it possible for Boys & Girls Clubs around the country to operate Triple Play.
For more information about wonderful programs like this one, visit the Boys & Girls Clubs of America Triple Play Website here. Connect with Boys & Girls Clubs of America on Facebook and Twitter, too.